Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why cant we have a religion and caste free world

I will not deep dive into Vedas to explain the way caste is born..  simplicity stating caste is formed by the different works we do.
My question to all of us why do u require a religion in the first place. Why does one need to identify oneself with religion.
Why can't we have a world where everyone worships whomever they want to.
When we fill our application for jobs why do we require to input our religion.  What big difference will it bring to the way I work. Why should I say what religion does my kid belong to when I admit her in the school.  Will it change the way education is imparted?
I myself do not have any answers to all the above questions but I hope for a free world where I don't have any importance for religion but I am important as an human being.

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